Saturday, October 9, 2010

Here we go!

I've wanted to do some personal blogging for a while now. I'm not sure what has possessed me with that desire, given the neglected state of my business blog (and my business), but what the hey.

I have found that as I get older, and hopefully wiser, that it's much more difficult to find simple solutions to ANYTHING. Why??? So frustrating. It doesn't help that I'm an over-analyzing, over-planning, wannabe perfectionist. I have a hard time these days figuring out who I am, what I want, and how to make the best choices for myself and my family. It may be that this blog may help me figure some of those things out, and share a bit more of myself with those around me, near and far. I can't promise to blog every day, or every week, or every month... but I will promise to share some thoughts, some photos, and, I hope, some laughs!

I'll be back soon to throw some photos on here, but right now, I've got the Snugglebug sleeping, the Wigglebug watching a movie, and probably 10 free minutes in which I can take a shower. It's the freaking weekend, but yeah, even on Saturday, it's complicated.

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